1864 EC Inventory Report

Washington (boy) to J L Flanikin (Washington Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T14, 30 MS-black)
Ellick (boy) to Carlile (Alexander Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T16, 28 VA-black, married to Rebecca)
Savannah (woman) with and to Buchannon (?1870)
Thomas (son of Savannah) to Buchannon (?1870)
John (son of Savannah) to Buchannon (?1870)
Warner (boy) to Brown (Warner Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T15, 45 VA-black, married to Minnie)
Booker (boy) to Brown (Booker Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T15, 18 VA-mulatto, living with Minnie)
NOTE: Minnie, mother of Booker and Josephine, was not hired out nor were her child Brooks and 4 other mulatto male sons)
Solomon (boy) to Coggins (Soloman Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T16, 36 VA-mulatto, married to Cela)
Larken (boy) to McBee (Larkin Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T16, 19 MS-black, living with Hanal)
Maria (girl) to Johnson (?1870)
Patrick to “Delphie” J Chandler (Patrick Chandler 1870 Chickasaw Co, T16, 23 MS-black, living with Hanal)
Ritta/Casterah to “Delphie” J Chandler (?1870)
Ursalass/Ussey to “Delphie” J Chandler (?1870)
Josephine to “Delphie” J Chandler (Josephine Davidson 1870 Chickasaw Co, T15, 19 MS-mulatto, married to Davidson)
Hanna (woman) to Flanikin (Hanal Chandler Chickasaw Co, T16, 55 VA-black, married to Rowdan Chandler)
James (son of Hanna) to Flanikin (James 15 MS-black, living with Hanna 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Solad (daughter of Hanna) to Flanikin (Saluda 17 MS-black, living with Hanna 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Monroe (son of Hanna) to Flanikin (Monroe 12 VA MS-black, living with Hanna 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Martha Jane (daughter of Hanna) to Flanikin (Martha J 10 MS MS-black, living with Hanna 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Martha (woman) kept at estate for want of bid (Martha Chandler Chickasaw Co 1870, T14 (next to Delphia) 37 VA-black
Malinda (daughter of Martha) kept at estate for want of bid (Lida 16 VA-black, living with Martha 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Little Ellick (daughter of Martha) kept at estate for want of bid (Ellick 15 VA-black, living with Martha 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Franish (daughter of Martha) kept at estate for want of bid (Ted 14 VA-black, living with Martha 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Mollie (daughter of Martha) kept at estate for want of bid (Molly 12 VA-mulatto, living with Martha 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Richard Ann (daughter of Martha) kept at estate for want of bid (Richard 6 MS-mulatto, lives w/ Martha 1870 Chickasaw Co)
Ola kept at expense of estate for want of bid (?1870)
David kept at expense of estate for want of bid (?1870)